Meet the Team behind the leading livestock trailers
Barret Trailers is a manufacturer of lightweight, all-aluminum, semi livestock trailers. In July of 2020, King Country Trailer based In Amarillo, TX, purchased Barrett Trailers. With a diverse background in service, sales, cattle hauling and over 30 years’ experience in the trucking industry Barrett Trailers is a company run by truckers for truckers.
What We Stand For
Our mission is to create customers for life by consistently delivering the best sales and service experience in the trucking industry.
Our vision is to be the industry leader in sales and service for all brands we represent and the customers we serve.
Serving with honesty, integrity, and fairness.
Accountability by doing what we say we are going to do.
Continuously improving our business for the -good of our customers.
Growing our people into industry leaders.
Cultivating enduring partnerships.
Preserving the engine of commerce.

Why do truckers choose Barrett?
Each of our trailers are Built with the trucker & livestock in Mind.
Meet the faces behind the
unwavering durability & quality
of a barrett trailer